Opinions on Diet and Training routine


Super Moderator
Jan 29, 2008
:please: Help

What do you think am i on track to get the goals i intend

Monday gym 1hr 15mins 2 exercises on Shoulders, Chest, Lats and Abs
Tuesday gym 1hr 15mins Biceps, Triceps, Abs, Lats (Tends to be a lighter day more toning) 8-10 lengths in the pool and some relaxing time in the sauna
Wednesday gym 1hr 15mins 2 exercises on Biceps, Triceps, Chest (toning) and Back
Thursday 40mins spinning (cycling) 55mins boxercise (Circuits training with combined boxing/sparring/bag work)
Friday day off
Saturday day off
Sunday 1hr Studio strength (More toning exercises than muscle building)

Monday - Saturday i cycle to and from work 24miles a week there
Cycling to gym and back further 10miles a week

Food tends to be

7:30am small bowl of cereal/porridge
10am 1 sandwhich (2 slices of bread)
11:30 banana
12:30 1 sandwhich and a packet of crisps
3pm Apple and a cereal bar
6:30pm protein shake after training
7:30pm evening meal
9:30pm protein shake again

Protein shakes are only consumed on training days (mainly)

Evening meals are a good mix of protein/carbs/veg etc etc

Sandwhichs again mix of white/brown/seeded bread and good mix of fillings, cheese, ham, chicken, salad, usual suspects really

I'm aiming to tone up, build up and hopefully lose the podge arround my guts. I've lost about 2-3inches of my waist buts its very slow progress here.

Can i do this?

Do i need to take any supplements?

Is just Whey protein good enough?

I feel i'm putting the time and effort in but the results are not happening quick enough and i'm not sure i'm doing it right.

Little bit of help or guidance would be good.


oh cut out alcohol, chocolate and takeaways for 2 months... see what difference this makes. :nerv:
the amount of exercise you're doing is excellent but i hope your using free weights when your training and not the machines . as for your diet - this is what decides how ripped you get really .

limit yourself to 4 - 5 meals per day at 2-3 hour intervals ( vegetables and protein mostly when possible ) . no crisps , cereal bars , white bread or cheese ( yes i said cheese ) . these will only hinder your progress . also DO NOT EAT AFTER 8PM , this is when your metabolism slows down so you store instead of burn . protein shakes should be plenty for bulking up but again you should drink them within 30 mins after a workout .

one more thing is to get up earlier and do a good 30 min to an hour workout , this gets your metabolism going before you even eat anything which is the key . combined with what you already do you should be grand .
I'm aiming to tone up, build up and hopefully lose the podge arround my guts. I've lost about 2-3inches of my waist buts its very slow progress here.

Can i do this?

Yes it can be done but your aim of doing all this is 2 months will be very difficult. In terms of my training which is similar to yours it would take 5 to six months to fully achieve your goals. you also stated that you started to see a slow down in seeing results, this is bound to happen. I recommend taking pictures of yourself (i know this sounds vain) to compare, results will be seen.

Do i need to take any supplements?

There are lots of differnet supplements that can be taking, but in my opinion these are just substitues for people who arent willing to have a strict died. Protein and crition will speed up your muscle building but will not help with as much with defintion. This is done by cardio.

Is just Whey protein good enough?

Whey protein is one of the best protein, due to its purness level. I'm not sure if you want to go down this road but there is a product called no explode which can be takin with Whey, it allows you to train harder and it will speed up your development.

I feel i'm putting the time and effort in but the results are not happening quick enough and i'm not sure i'm doing it right.

This is a difficult question to answer because training is all about technique. If the technique isnt there results wont be found and you could do yourself more damage in the long run.

Little bit of help or guidance would be good.

Personally i would recommed that you get a 5 class session with a personal trainer costs around 250euro in ireland for a good one. Your gym will have one. They will bring you through the 5 main areas chest, back, arms, legs and core.

Hopefully this helps if you have any more specif questions pm me or just post on this tread. P.S (my traning consists of a 5 day weights program a week and i am a cyclist covereving between 150-200km a week)
'civiclife' some good points there but not every1 can do excerise in morning, if not do you weights 1st then cardio...

As for supplements stick way basics, whey protein, muti-vitamin, creatine...
You need to be takin protein 1st thing in mornin, this is a must as your body will be repairing itself and it will be creving for protein to feed the muscles...

its a slow process but if you work hard you'll see gud results

stick at it..
everyone has their own ways of building up and you have to remember what works for one person may very well not work for another.

The main points are to eat well, little and often. When i say eat well i mean your protein/carbs. Avoid too many carbs late at night otherwise you will store this as fat.
Im personally **** at sticking to diets, but it is essential to "cutting". If you wana bulk out, the diet isnt as strict. Just make sure you eat alot.

Training around 4 times a week is good enough, this is what i do, well at least what i was doing before Christmas. Make sure you hit the different muscle groups each day and give time for your muscles to heal. Make sure you get at least 8 hours sleep a night(which i definitely dont) But it is recommenced.

Drink alot of fluids(water) to flush out all the toxins...

You dont really need other supplements apart from Protein.(whey protein is better) Createne is supposed to aid the healing process but your body already produces createne as its a natural source anyway.

There is nothing wrong with using some of the machines but free weights build your form better i believe.

In my experiences ive found to aim for between 6-8 reps in each set of a heavier weight got me better results in muscle mass as opposed to 10-12. Again, others will have different results.

At the moment im trying to cut, As ive reached the stage that im happy with my size. Dieting is hard :(
I lost 40lb with a low calorie diet and running 20 minutes a day and weight lifting 10 minutes a day 5 days a week if that helps.
I would make your workouts more specific rather than doing only 2 exercises on Shoulders, Chest, Lats and Abs then somthing a lil different the next day. Maybe cut down on your rest time between sets and exersises as 8 sets shouldnt really take an hour and 15 mins.

You may also be a bit confused on the rep ranges 8-10 would be building size and strength, 12-15 reps per set would be toning.

I work as a personal trainer so if you would like me to write you a program thats no prob if you dont like it you wouldnt have to use it either. Let me know it would be no problem.
i think your maybe working too many muscle groups per day? depending how hard your working them. and monday and tuesday you do lats, i'd leave atleast 1-2 days rest before you work them again, rest is just as important as training.

for example i work chest and shoulders then following day, back lats, bi's and tri's. throw in some leg excersises aswell.
Good advice given above!!

I have been into training and diet for the last 6 years and can add to what was mentioned above.

I agree (to some extent) with it not being a good idea to eat after 8pm although, it could be another 11-12hrs until your next meal and thus the body needs something otherwise it will go into 'starvation mode'. Therefore my advice would be to eat fat and protein before bed or +8pm. The reason for this is that fat slows down the digestion of protein and this will stop muscle breakdown through the night. Also, it only requires 30mins of weight training to keep you metabolism elevated for up to 48hours. So, a protein shake and peanut butter is not a bad idea before bed.

Plenty of water is imperative, so don’t believe that because body builders limit their water intake on the run up to a competition that this is a good idea............the body requires water to flush out fat!!!

I have been tweaking my diet for a few years now, with guidance from a friend (professional body builder trainer/nutritionist) and have come to realise that carbs are only required for me in the morning (I say this as everyone is different). A good bowl of porridge with honey and banana and I am set for the day. The rest of my meals consist of fibre, protein and fats.

Don’t be scared of eating fats, remember.......carbs make you fat, fats don't!!!

However you do need to be careful as 1g of fat has a lot more calories than 1g of carbs, so eat fats but watch the calorie intake.

Anyhow, I would go on forever about this topic :lol: but as im at work I need to get on.

Lastly, a couple of points to make

- You should consume 1g of protein per 1lb of body weight
- Believe it or not fruit is carbs (fructose) and is not good as this gives you an insulin spike leaving you hungry quickly, eat veg instead (fibre)
- You need to change your diet to make any real changes
- Remember 70% is diet, 20% is training and 10% is supplements!!!
- Your body only produces growth building *******s for 45-60mins so weights sessions longer than this are not advisable, keep them short and challenging i.e. little rest periods between sets

I realise I have talked mostly about diet here but I do feel this is the only way to really get lean (I have a 7-9% body fat btw).

Feel free to shoot me down if you dont agree with any of the comments ive made, I am still learning myself and am happy to take advice

Alright, first things first, you need to re-asses your goals man.

Toning (cutting) and building up at the same time is simply not an option, you need to choose one or the other and then base your diet around your aims. Remember that diet is around 80% of the battle, so this should be your main focus rather than focusing so much on training. Just be prepared for the fact that if you want good results, your gonna have to sacrifice a lot and put in some real hard work!!

Its your call whether you decide to bulk first then cut, or vice versa, but having tried both ways I’d recommend cutting first (just see how easy it is with proper diet) and then bulking a little after if you so choose. Just bear in mind that when cutting, you will invariably loose some muscle mass. Likewise, when bulking, you will invariably gain some body fat.

So, you wanna see faster progress than you’ve seen so far? Be prepared for a real, real strict diet. This is the key man. First off you need to get rid ANY processed foods, and I’d personally junk those protein shakes too – they’ll never beat real food for results (I could get into thermic reactions etc to support this claim, but I think it would be overkill). Get rid of the crisps, cereal bar, and that bread (try and avoid bread) and get ready for nothing but water, fresh meat and vegetables. Need to get some good fats (vastly underrated but very important whether cutting or bulking) in there too – nuts and oily fishes are your best sources.

A good aim is for each meal to consist of a rough 40-40-20% split of complex carbs (starchy and fiberous), lean protein, and good fats respectively. As a male you should be aiming for no less than 6 meals a day.

Now, this is where it all starts to get a little complicated... Time to break out the calculator and start calorie counting.

First off, you need your total body weight and your body fat %. Multiply your body fat % by your total weight to get your body fat weight and then subtract this from your total body weight and your have your first key figure – Your lean body mass.

Next you need to calculate you Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR – How many calories you will burn a day at rest) to do this, work out the following: 370 + (21.6 x Lean Body Mass).

Now you need to work out your Total Daily Energy Expendature (TDEE – How many calories you will burn a day taking your exercise into consideration). To do this, check the following to asses which category your exercise routine falls into:

Sedentary = BMR X 1.2 (little or no exercise, desk job)
Lightly active = BMR X 1.375 (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/wk)
Mod. active = BMR X 1.55 (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/wk)
Very active = BMR X 1.725 (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days/wk)
Extr. Active = BMR X 1.9 (hard daily exercise/sports & physical job or
2 X day training, marathon, football camp,
contest, etc.)

And calculate that figure. Now you have your key figure to work from. All you need do from here is either work at a defecit (to loose fat) or a surplus (to bulk up) of about 20%. The hard bit is working out the total calories you’re consuming a day from your food (hey, nothing good ever came easy!). So be prepared to start reading the back of the packet or checking online for veg and such for EVERYTHING you eat.

If you stick to these rules (pay particular attention to the sources of your calories - like I said, fresh meat, fresh veg, good fats and lots of water) I guarantee you’ll see quite unbelievable changes to your body composition.

On a side note, get some squats and deadlifts into your routine – these are 2 of the most important exercises you can do. And make sure you leave at least 4-5 days before exercising the same muscle group again.

I could go much further into it, but that would probably be overkill at this stage - there's a lot of good info on this thread already. I’ve got plenty, plenty more information on the subject though, so if you want any more advice – you know where to find me...
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Tought this is an ek9 forum ha ha?

Get pissed eat crap live long!!!!
I am sat her with my best mate that is really into this s**t so i will let him reply for me! :lol:

hi buddy, ok u can listen to people till there blue in the face about training and still get no where, as everyone is different and 70% of your body is down to genetics/heriditary.

I've read this whole thread and no offence guys but the only edjucated advice i would take would be jokeshopbeard's but dude u prob overkilled it slightly for a begginer at the gym with the calcs,

basic info is all good, dnt over complicate your training and try to stick to muscle groups that compliment each other i.e. back n bi's, chest n tri's etc. i've recently been using a website Muscle & Strength - Huge Muscle Building Site, Store & Community which covers all aspects of training really and also has a handy video for each exercise which can help u check form etc they also do general programs (tried an tested).

as for cutting/bulking as said in previous post they dnt really compliment each other so try to decide which is more important for u personally n if it is gettin rid of the belly stick to plenty of cardio n cut out the carbs where poss but dnt send youreself crazy bout your shape as there are 3 body types (wont bore u with details.. if u wanna know am sure u'll research it)

the main thing about goin to the gym is tht u enjoy it cause its part of your lifestyle when u start n if u start to resent it u wont train properly.

take it easy guys hope not upset anyone else n good luck buddy!:thanks:
i really believe that extra protein creatine adds are bad for health.
try eating normal food and training everyday and you will reach your goals:nice:
Holy fcuk don't know what to do now!

My biggest grip is the fat arround my gut, completely my fault about 2 yrs ago started eating really really bad and just increased in weight simple as that but now i'm struggling to get it off.

My Fat percentage is 19% i want it down to 10 by the end of this year. I'm not looking for a 2 month plan i'm just trying to get a jump on it by cutting back the naughty things.

Perhaps i will just continue doing what i'm doing for now.

For these reasons

A) Diets are terrible for me to stick to, i love my food plain and simple. The above intake of food i listed is a struggle to stick to that.

B) I need to train with someone for gym exercises or i lose my motivation its not really helping i'm training with 2 diff peeps. When ever i go to the gym i lift as much as i can all the time in reps of 10 8 6 and sometimes down to 4. With the occasional MAX effort of 1or 2...

C) I tried lots of CV and to no effect so i turned to the gym, at least i can manipulate the fat percentage because muscle gained will increase my lean mass and show a dcrease in fat % but in reality i won't have lost any or very little.

I initailly joined the gym to get back into my 32-34 inch wasit jeans again but have started getting a little more obsesed with other areas... And to allow me to eat the **** and drink too. Now i just don't know what to do because i'm not after the "ripped" look and not looking to "bulk" up juts increase my muscles particularly upper body as my legs have always been strong with a great shape from my cycling. The improvements on my legs and arms have been quite noticable and i'm quite pleased but the other areas chest, abs and shoulder are non exsistant. Along with the waist line which gets me down most.

Trouble is i'm throwing everything i've got at this and regularly burning myself out and ending up ill....

FFS only got myself to blame.

Thanks everyone for your help though.

Gues i'm after that magic pill, tried starving myself, tried decreased calories tried loads of diff diets all i end doing is crashing and binging... :angry2:
do what i said with the diet and exercise in the morning if you want to lose body fat , trust me i know it works . when i started in a gym a couple of years ago i was 13% body fat and when i left i was 4% body fat which means no saggy belly :win:
do what i said with the diet and exercise in the morning if you want to lose body fat , trust me i know it works . when i started in a gym a couple of years ago i was 13% body fat and when i left i was 4% body fat which means no saggy belly :win:

The only time i can do it in the morning is my cycling to work and sundays studio strength. I just can not get up early enough :angry2:
Holy fcuk don't know what to do now!

My biggest grip is the fat arround my gut, completely my fault about 2 yrs ago started eating really really bad and just increased in weight simple as that but now i'm struggling to get it off.

My Fat percentage is 19% i want it down to 10 by the end of this year. I'm not looking for a 2 month plan i'm just trying to get a jump on it by cutting back the naughty things.

Perhaps i will just continue doing what i'm doing for now.

For these reasons

A) Diets are terrible for me to stick to, i love my food plain and simple. The above intake of food i listed is a struggle to stick to that.

B) I need to train with someone for gym exercises or i lose my motivation its not really helping i'm training with 2 diff peeps. When ever i go to the gym i lift as much as i can all the time in reps of 10 8 6 and sometimes down to 4. With the occasional MAX effort of 1or 2...

C) I tried lots of CV and to no effect so i turned to the gym, at least i can manipulate the fat percentage because muscle gained will increase my lean mass and show a dcrease in fat % but in reality i won't have lost any or very little.

I initailly joined the gym to get back into my 32-34 inch wasit jeans again but have started getting a little more obsesed with other areas... And to allow me to eat the **** and drink too. Now i just don't know what to do because i'm not after the "ripped" look and not looking to "bulk" up juts increase my muscles particularly upper body as my legs have always been strong with a great shape from my cycling. The improvements on my legs and arms have been quite noticable and i'm quite pleased but the other areas chest, abs and shoulder are non exsistant. Along with the waist line which gets me down most.

Trouble is i'm throwing everything i've got at this and regularly burning myself out and ending up ill....

FFS only got myself to blame.

Thanks everyone for your help though.

Gues i'm after that magic pill, tried starving myself, tried decreased calories tried loads of diff diets all i end doing is crashing and binging... :angry2:

The saying "Rome wasn't built in a day" comes to mind. I think your been to hard on yourself. No matter what anyone tells you getting really noticeable definition is slow progress. You really need to take days off from weight lifting to allow muscle time to heal and develope so work out a routine where every 3-4 days your working certain muscle groups. cardio workout is what's going to get you lean. Running as boring as I find it myself is best way to shed the pounds. I don't think pushing yourself to the point where your health is been effected is the way forward.