Merry X-Mas Ek9ers!

Merry christmass everyone!

Will pin this :D
Have a good one :nice:

Hope Santa brings me a litre or two of champ white paint :)), gonna be a good 2014 for my ferio :)) fingers crossed

Anyone got plans for there cars for 2014?
Merry christmass to all of you!!!
- Καλά χριστούγεννα σε όλους - :))
Merry chtistmas to you too bud. Hope everyone has a cracking day. All the best for the new year.
Im in the hunt for my 3rd EK9 this 2014. Need to refurb the wheels on my DC5 plus a blow over. Could do with some new headlights also. Hope everyone has a great day and new year.
Hope Santa brings me a litre or two of champ white paint , gonna be a good 2014 for my ferio fingers crossed

Painting an EP3 in next couple of weeks in CW..I'll try and save a few ltrs for you bruv

Ferio will be on another level once it's done .. Looks too good at moment
Merry christmas :nice: Planning to get the Jordan setup completely and a few track days lined up along with shows and possibly Nurburgring :))
Merry christmas! :nice:
Hope you all had a great Christmas! It's not over yet though, bring on boxing day drinks :dance::dance: