I I Iliffe Apr 4, 2018 Easy fella, have you got any b18 engine swaps?? Looking for one in the next couole of weeks
S S Simo Dec 2, 2016 Alright mate hows things? Just hittin ya up to see if you have a b20 crank pully for sale or know of any?
Alright mate hows things? Just hittin ya up to see if you have a b20 crank pully for sale or know of any?
J J jayk Jul 1, 2014 Whats ur best price for the manifold to belfast ? Do u have heat shield aswell ?
J J jdm b18 Jan 25, 2012 You still interested in the twinloop mate, let me know in my thread as looking into other systems now Also ur location if you are still interested James
You still interested in the twinloop mate, let me know in my thread as looking into other systems now Also ur location if you are still interested James