Deep thought on Life,aspirations,future,goals,meaning,belief,anyth ing?


VIP Member
Dec 22, 2008
I know some may not have gave this a seconds thought but have you ever wondered whats the point to it all? I mean really we all live and die, grow old, some may have children and some may not, Some may live long enough to see grandchildren and watch them grow up.

what do you decide to do with you life? will the world be any different after your gone? will anyone remember you after your gone? Can I change my own future? How do you justify your beliefs? Why is there so much wrong with the world? Why cant people change the way things are? What does the future hold for humanity? Why is the youth of this world so wicked and ill mannered? What ever happened to morales? Knowing right from wrong? Why? Why? why?

sorry for the rambling focks just have to share some of my thoughts and questions with you all!

Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become character. Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny
ya I agree with you man but nature has to take its course and money and power will dominate even more and it will bring the eveiles out of us
Nature has its own destiny. its paths are more winding and twisting that you can only imagine. some of the paths it goes down are full of hurt and decite but pnultimatly Edith a glimmer of happiness for you and or others around you.

Destiny is not fair or equal. I lost a parent at 18. This hurt alot.

i believe our end destiny is set for us but its the minor details you choose in your life that alter your future.
Life for me means:
Having fun
Enjoying time with family/friends
Party hard
Goin mad
Working as little as possible

No regrets.
Dont have any thoughts on after life to be honest and i dont really care about it either.
Very deep elchunk but very important aswell!

Iv wondered about these things and the truth is for most you will never know! All i want to do is try live the happiest life i can and whatever happens in the end ill have no regrets! :))
I think you have to divide your question about what the point is in 2.

1.) What is the point for YOU
2.) What is the point for NATURE

In the second case you're merely part of nature, in our case we're predators, supposed to keep balance in nature. But obviously we are completely fecking up. We are depleting all resources that nature has created in 10.000's of years in just a few decades, I'd be surprised if humanity is still here in 2 centuries. Nature has it's own way of solving it and we will certainly not be a part of that solution. We will destroy ourselves and after that nature will slowly recover.

In the first case, it all depends on who you are as a person. Everyones main target is to become happy. How you will be happy, differs for each person. I like to have a job in which I think I make the world better, even if it's just a teeny small bit. I want to do something usefull for this world with my job. I also like to say I am helpfull to people who I think deserve it. I try to be friendly and remember that smiling at a stranger that walks by can actually make a difference, if everyone would do that the world would be a happier place.

Besides all this I NEED a girl. I'm a warm person (and straight so no guys :p ), need love and attention and also want to give it away. Lucky me has found a girl that is so sweet, true and righteous, I only wish I was half as righteous as her. She is my number 1 in live. Then of course there are parents, family and friends who all make you feel wanted. Which I think is really important.

And then, find something to do in your spare time!! CARS!!!!! VTEC y0! Something to put your heart in, wether it is cars, reading books or whatever!

And then the question of why there is so much wrong in this world. 4 words: centred power, money, materialism.
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Pretty heavy thread dude but a fair one at that! I've seen myself think about life/death lots of time and i've only just turned 20. End of the day no matter how hard we think there is no way we can predict the future or know what happens when you die. Yes, I do think it is scary but as there is no way you can be sure why not just enjoy life!
For all that moan about life, just smile. Know that things could be alot worse. Cherish what you have, not what you dont!
I was put on this earth to go around tearing the roads up in my 9, and scaring the **** out of people with my screamer pipe which sounds like a shotgun going off as I BANG through gears.... ;)
Glad I am not the only one! Lol

Wish I wasn't on my I phone right now
I don't think anything is set, we can all alter our future. Life is what you make of it.

These questions are always big ones, because they will always remain unanswered. By design humans don't like not knowing, it's this evolutionary drive which got us where we are today. However, these questions remain.

We have evolved to become self aware and able to manipulate the environment around us in a way no other.

IMO, we won't ever have the answers. Maybe we can never know the answers.

All i do know is we won't ever find them watching x-factor or bitching about work. Get out there, explore the world see new faces and befriend different personalities.

We all could just be the dream of another human being. So f*ck taking things to seriously, in the end, we will all die and in 500 years no one alive will even know we existed. All of your thoughts, hopes, ambitions and dreams will mean nothing to nobody :)

Kinda off topic but thought id let it out :D
so this is what rock bottom feels like. ******* fed up with everything right now..................
Recently I've had some things which have prompted me to think 'bucket-list' thoughts.

At the moment I am flat out with work and it will never ease up as long as I am a teacher so I have no time for piddling about with cars or enjoying everything else. I love teaching for the hours I'm working with the children, but the paperwork, the other teachers, the moany parents, the mountains of marking all do my nut.

I'm earning more money than ever but I don't know what to spend it on, I'm even looking at buying Porsches but I don't really want one. What I really want is a rusty MR2 and some time with my welder and be able to spend my evenings do something other than worrying about the next day.

Then my parents say about having children and the need to save, seems that all of my life has been reaching for a goal - need to finish A levels, need to finish my degree, need to finish teacher training, need to get my NQT year out of the way, need to have children. I just want to chill out.