
chet baker

Midwest USA
Aug 30, 2008
Just wondering if anyone uses REDLINE WATER WETTER in there cooling system and there opition .
had it before in a itr, didn't really see any differences in warm up time and stability,
honda coolant is more than up to the job for most really.
that redline stuff works really good if u dont mix it with water and just fill up a whole system with. it ridiculous to fill a car up with it if u dont really need but i have used it on my quad that has heating issues cause of thin cylinder walls and it works really good with that. lowered my temp 15f degrees.
Hmmmm, you run straight water wetter that’s a new one on me. I run 50/50 mix of water and Honda coolant. I’m doing a coolant change this year and thought about adding a 12 ounce bottle of w/w to my coolant.
Hmmmm, you run straight water wetter that’s a new one on me. I run 50/50 mix of water and Honda coolant. I’m doing a coolant change this year and thought about adding a 12 ounce bottle of w/w to my coolant.

haha nah i use 50/50 in my car i used the redline in a in 2 stroke motorcycle engine. only way to run 100% redline in a car is to drain the cylinders and all and refill with redline. that would def make a few degree difference but not worth it.
haha nah i use 50/50 in my car i used the redline in a in 2 stroke motorcycle engine. only way to run 100% redline in a car is to drain the cylinders and all and refill with redline. that would def make a few degree difference but not worth it.

OK, i got ya :nice:

Found this on a couple different car sites
Has anyone heard about this?
This is all you need, and it keeps your cooling system squeaky clean! Run 3 drops plus a couple splashes of anti-freeze just so it lowers the freezing point of the water for cold days and water pump lubrication. And with only a few drops you don’t get any foaming or corrosion.
Chet Baker is correct, as Water Wetter is essentially just a soap (with some more additives I'd guess?). It works but reducing the surface tension of the coolant which allows more surface area, thus it can help lower temps. Just go to the local auto store and shake the Water Wetter up, you'll see :D

BUT as far as adding Dawn or any other detergent, I would hold off as I wouldn't be sure how much...

Found this on a couple different car sites
Has anyone heard about this?
This is all you need, and it keeps your cooling system squeaky clean! Run 3 drops plus a couple splashes of anti-freeze just so it lowers the freezing point of the water for cold days and water pump lubrication. And with only a few drops you don’t get any foaming or corrosion.

serious or no serious?