pics + vid of my 5zigen fireball

dazek9 Newbie
Nov 22, 2007
got it fitted about 2weeks ago loving it :drive:



and a wee vid
YouTube - 5zigen fireball exhaust
let me know what use think??
every 1 is diffrent but its not 2 loud with the cdplayer turned up to 20 :D
love that system as said looks and sounds amazin, is that just the cat-back ? cause i`m wanting to buy that system but with my de-cat, stanard b-pipe and hks back box its bloody loud and i don`t want to be totally deaf lol:p
I'll get a video made up and posted of my EK4 with my miracle fireball, decat and 4-2-1 manifold.

It can be loud, but it sounds sweeeeeeeeeet!!! ;)
this one doesnt sound as loud as others. nice!
that exhaust looks the part and sounds nice to not that loud wicth is a good thing
thats a nice sound, not so loud compare to mine......mine's so loud, especially when the Vtec kicks in....:D
would of laughed if your camera got nicked :)

it was a dead end road so they would have to be fast :drive: after them .
i had a fireball on my eg6 it it was not as loud as this one . its not crazy loud just the way i like it :D
beautiful exhaust , congratulations :D
Nice sound, not excessive as Jug said :nice:

btw, your static vid can be a great pc background heh :D

Nothing more enjoyable than the cool summer sunset, it makes me feel weird
cant wait till my one arrives it sounds amazing should be here nxt week :D nice video.