Can We Get The Status Updates/Conversation Box Back?

Championship White

Ex EK9 Rx Owner
Jun 21, 2009
Since going on the VX220 forum I've seen how good a news feed type thing is, they have a facebook style 'Status Update' box which they use.


Championship White

Just sold his VX220, back to Honda goodness soon!
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I know that last time there were people posting items for sale but the VX220 forum has no rules against posting items for sale etc. and it still works fine.

I'd happily moderate the 'News Feed' to stop anyone trying to sell their rubbish etc. and if it turned into another avenue for spamming and selling stuff then it could be deleted again!

Just thought it would be nice to give it a go again! :D
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I'd love to give it a go as sometimes there are things you want to type but it'd be a waste of space as a new thread etc.

Like making a thread which said 'I'm bored...' would be spam but updating a status with it would be fine! It would add to the community feel.
sounds like a Good Idea TBH mate.. and if you say you would look after it, its no extra work for current mod's
need to get a couple of guys moderating it, but its a good idea and does work. if anyone tries to sell on it just stop people using it
good idea, the option for a live chat box be handy too!
let me see what I can do ! :D thank you for your suggestion.
CR1S: is reading a post by championship white and likes the idea of what he is saying