B16B safe RPM limit ?


Staff member
Apr 15, 2006
Based on your experience whats the safe RPM limit of the B16B?

I hear different opinions.

8200 RPM
8700 RPM
9000 RPM

What do you think is the correct number? :)

I think it is 9000 RPM :o
my fiend uses a spoon ecu wich has rev limit of 9100 rpm and has being using it for past two years with no problems, complete stock head just spoon stroker. i heard on the net 9k myself..... but i would
No_Fear said:
stock is 8400 if i could, i would give it another 200rpm

good news for you: while honda does advertise it as 8400 aftermarket tachometers as well as the apexi vtec afc have all confirmed it is actually 8600:) id say it can safely rev to 9500 with upgraded cams vavle springs and retainers. without that you can still rev but your not making power.
blinx9900 said:
good news for you: while honda does advertise it as 8400 aftermarket tachometers as well as the apexi vtec afc have all confirmed it is actually 8600:) id say it can safely rev to 9500 with upgraded cams vavle springs and retainers. without that you can still rev but your not making power.

Right now my car rev's up to 9000, thats why i'm asking i'm a little scared, because now i see that the tachometer needle reach 9000 RPM :eek:

With stock springs / retainers, 9000 is safe? :confused:
9 is safe, but no reason to rev that high unless your actually making power.
thats nice if all ek9s are 8600.i dont trust the stock needle goes around 8900 sure must have a % mistake.
today at the track i rev up to 9000 RPM, but i didnt make any power at all, so i changed gear at 8600 - 8800 rpm

No_Fear said:
thats nice if all ek9s are 8600.i dont trust the stock needle goes around 8900 sure must have a % mistake.

your are correct, the factory cluster is very inaccurate. mine shows 8900 when im at 8600.
SpoonCTR said:
9000 RPM at the cluster = ?? 8600 ?

im confused, are you asking a question? if your asking if all clusters are off by the same rpm, "example: if tach says 9000 im really at 8500" the answer is no, they are all a little bit inaccurate, some more than others.
all ek9s i've seen, rev to around 8900 with stock ecu. so must have around 200rpm loss.
No_Fear said:
all ek9s i've seen, rev to around 8900 with stock ecu. so must have around 200rpm loss.

i would agree that most of them may be very close to each other, but i have seen some that go to 9200 when they are only at 8200 (EM1), and i have seen some that were almost 100% accurate(EK9). mine (EM1 cluster) is off by about 400-500 rpm at the top rev range.
well i have one doubt.

I have a chipped p28 ecu, with a rev limit se to 9000 RPM.

I see that my car revs up to 9000 RPM in my gauge cluster. And after that the ecu automatically stops reving.

Maybe the gauge cluster doesnlt have any RPM "loss"

Interesting huh? :p
rvm said:
well i have one doubt.

I have a chipped p28 ecu, with a rev limit se to 9000 RPM.

I see that my car revs up to 9000 RPM in my gauge cluster. And after that the ecu automatically stops reving.

Maybe the gauge cluster doesnlt have any RPM "loss"

Interesting huh? :p

as i mentioned the only accurate one i ever saw was actually an EK9 cluster, i dont know if they are all that accurate or if yours is just good, but either way thats good to hear. my em1 cluster is way off. im jealous :mad: want to trade? :)
blinx9900 said:
as i mentioned the only accurate one i ever saw was actually an EK9 cluster, i dont know if they are all that accurate or if yours is just good, but either way thats good to hear. my em1 cluster is way off. im jealous :mad: want to trade? :)

hmmmmmmmmmm maybe for a carbon fiber trunk lol :D
RPM limits are not only conditioned by the valvetrain, there are other rotating parts in an engine like water and oil pump that suffer tremendous stress at high revs, and when they fail, noone looks at them its the valvetrain that takes the blame....... I say be safe and keep it around 8500-8700 max. Happy reving..... hahahahaha
Andynista said:
RPM limits are not only conditioned by the valvetrain, there are other rotating parts in an engine like water and oil pump that suffer tremendous stress at high revs, and when they fail, noone looks at them its the valvetrain that takes the blame....... I say be safe and keep it around 8500-8700 max. Happy reving..... hahahahaha

stock redline is 8600 your saying only stay within 100 rpm of that? if it was a non type r motor i would agree, but i feel 9000rpm is fine assuming you make power that high.
you answered yourself mate..... if you will make power that high I say use a new water pump and an uprated oil pump too, along with an uprated valvetrain....and a very good tune that asures you are making power. The only reason to rev that high is to stay on vtec after an upshift. I do believe in the great deal of research and development honda made while building these engines. If you want to stay on the power band (vtec) and have a hard pulling motor, change the gear ratios and final drive dont over stress the engine.
well ive heard it was 8400 and 8600 and even 8700.

Going by the (unbeliveably inaccurate) tacho in my eg vtec kicks in at about 6100 and then it revs to 8900-9000 rpm.

So i dunno... power fc on its way soon :)
