1990 crx zc


90' crx zc, Instagram- camyrexx
Mar 6, 2016
recently joined the site and thought id get a build thread sorted for ma crx :D bought her in February this year.
she has a few bits n bobs done already but i have plans to change alot, she still runs a d16a9 at the moment but in time im hoping to swap that out for a b16

as she sits currently the mods list is
enkei rc-g4 wheels in black ( stamped enkai but the previous owner is 100% that there real, im not so sure)
toyo proxes t1r tyres
BC racing coilovers
unknown camber ares on the front
SIR anti roll bars
poly bushed
tegiwa lca's and tie bar in purple
EBC green stuff pads with black seires drilled and grooved discs
goodridge brake lines
tegiwa brake master stopper

full ss exhaust system with twin exit sir style scorpion rear section
4 brand manifold
tegiwa alloy radiator
alloy air intake pipe with cone filter
fibreworx carbon bonnet (was told by the seller it was a vis bonnet)
fibreworx carbon sunroof delete
omp corsica 350mm deep dish steering wheel
tegiwa shift extender and spoon rep gear knob
corbeau clubsport bucket seats, fake takata 3" on the drivers, securon 2" on the passangers
6 point weld-in cage by custom cages uk


only have a few good pics of it for now but i will be uploading and updating when a can :D
currently fixing a leaky sunroof as the previous owner never made a good job of it despite covering it with sealant, and as the following pics show, the carbon panel isnt fitting properly :(, it has a bend in it and as much as i try to flex it it wont sit in properly at one side :/
SIR front bumper (awaiting prep for painting) and a genuine j's racing front lip (not fibreglass copy)

also have a fresh dash that come out of the same car as the bumper come off, current dash thats in the car has been hacked to bits due to the cage, the new dash will be getting fitted soon, with the aim to keep it reasonably tidy around the cage, i will be getting some good pics and any info on the dash swap for future reference and for any others in need of it :D
Have you got the headlights to go with the bumper? They are different between the 16v and VT/siR.
Id love another 16i though. The d16a9 loves the thrash.
not yet but there on ma list of to gets, need indicators aswell, its a good wee engine like but im i bit ify with mine, previous owner telt me to keep chanign the oil every 2k so the head gasket dosnt go :S
UPDATE: 03/04/21016
service kit bought and new rad coolant
also bought some sir headlights to go with the new bumper, new sunroof delete is on its way aswell will get pics up soon as i have them :D
They can tidy up well, when done right they look beautiful
cheers mate, plan on getting it to a decent standard, she could be doin with a respray but thats last on the list due to rust needing sorted :(
Paint is last on my list too and iv my car 4or 5 years lol
Pain in my face hiding everything up with polish and wax ha.
haha, iv only had this from feb this year :L loads a wee bits to tidy it up, the rusty arches is the worst of it tbh
im the same :L gave it a polish the other day and went over the car twice :L
Car is coming on nicely, and love the head on pic
cheers mate :D, shes got another sun strip on now, basically the same black but its now red " honda racing" decal, unfortunately it did come in the best condition :/ guy had folded bits and i caused air bubbles and small fold lines
So quick update, i had ordered a few bits and bobs for the crx, a new sunroof blank from stuke ( the carbon fibreworx one was leaking badly ), unfortunatly ib had no response from stuke, bought the blank and paid for 48hr postage last wednesday and theres no sign of it, motul rad coolant and oil from tegiwa, there was a mix up with stock numbers so these will be sent out next week when they have coolant back in, i had also bought sir headlights to go with my bumper, again paid for last wednesday and the seller only just got the picked up today after a.....conversation with the seller about why it wasnt showing on the tracking number :/ so all my items haven't been delivered this week, i will get some info up when the stuff arrives


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Been busy with work alot so not managed to update for a while but finally got some time :)

Got ma sunroof blank on, how ever the front of plank has 4 rivets that popped out :(
as you can see the front sits slightly higher due to the rivets, seems to be the metal bending thats caused this :(
also received my stuff from tegiwa finally... only to find out that the rocker gasket has now decided to go, so a new gasket and spark plug seals should be here next week...then il get that sorted and get the oil, filter and coolant done then.. :D. end of may i should have some other bits n bob.. had to buy a second set of sir headlights as i had bought a pair and one is cracked badly :(

also while im on, at some point in the next few months the body work is going to get sorted, its covered in small parking dents, has a nasty on on the drivers door, and the arches will be getting done, instead of a full respray...was going to get the car wrapped in a dark/gunmetal grey color, repaint the interior black again and get the cage painted yellow to contrast the purple parts on the car. if anyones got any info on wrapping or advice, please share :) wont be doing it myself though


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You will still have to get the rust and dents sorted out before wrapping the car. So my advice would be just to get it painted as tbh once youve sorted the dents and rust on the arches the car will be nearly prepped for paint.

So wont cost much more getting it painted and it will look alot better than a wrap :)
plan on getting it all done first for sure, drivers door has a dent that looks like its been hit with a ball pein hammer :(, i would rather have it painted as well because if a ever want the wrap off its gony leave a mess :(
so shes off the road for the for now, and over tightened bolt by the previous owner or before on the rocker and head snapped and stripped threads. i was planning to b swap it but so soon :L . however its no in the garage up on stands gettin stripped down, i have alot of plans for the car including some trick bits iv never seen done before...i have and sir bumper and 16v bumper that im going to cut, modify parts and join so i can have the sir bottom with the 16v lights, a real j's racing splitter to go on that, im also at somepoint going to try and make my own custom, slightly wider front wing and...attempt to make a crx duckbill style wing so there will be plenty updates and pics :D
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Very cool plans, and good progress so far ,
Man when I see a clean black crx I fall in love
They are a real gem when done right ,
thanks mate :) once the current engine is out il be startin the custom stuff to pass time while i get some cash for a b16a2, and the suspension components that can be, will be getting powder coated, yeah there super nice in black :)