Thoughts of this idea?


Like a Boss
Nov 17, 2010
Well, for a start I've thought about this for a while now. I've wondered if anyone with an ek9 has ever considered a flappy paddle gearbox? I'm guessing the cost will be too large to think about unless you're really into the idea, but just wondering on everyone's thoughts are as well as knowing if anyone done this?

Not known of anyone doing this as for a reason it's to expensive also would change the experience of the whole track car thing as that's what an ek9 was built for but that's just my thoughts!!!!
Is there much point on a 185bhp car??? Plus to get it to work right would be a ball ache! Every flappy paddle ive tried, apart from dsg on M3 and a 430 suderia was shite!!! Downshifting on them is garbidge!! Try citreons version for example, its like waiting for you granny to change gear!!! Nowt wrong with stiring a stick. Its faultless, reliable and simple.
there is a UK based company that work with k20 lotus' that make them on IIRC
Think they aim to make is <£10000
Can't see the point really, the cost of that will be much much higher than the cost of your car. I would rather spend money on a good box rebuild, m factory gears etc...
if u want it done u need to commit to a big justify a piece of kit and gearbox like that u need the rest of the car to match otherwise its not worth your while
Nah I personally wouldn't do it but it did come to me randomly was all haha. Would be cool even still.
A while ago this guy had a build thread up on Hondas on Track and then suddenly stopped.
Basically the owner had lost his arm in a motorcycling acciddent, so with the money, tools, know how and thirst for speed he built an K20A EK tracktoy with a Sadev semi-auto box.

I know this is all in dutch but it's worth a bit of browse through to look at the pics. Absolutely obscene build :D.

HONDA TYPE-R Club Benelux :: HONTEC EK Circuit project..