Terry’s EM1 project

New wheels look great,have always wanted a set
New wheels look great,have always wanted a set
I put the rear pair on yesterday. Definitely give off the Kanjo vibe now. I'll throw up pictures soon. Few things to sort still.
The Type Cs are officially on. I couldn't fit them immediately because the CV boots were torn and CV grease was going everywhere. Have to clean the Enkeis thoroughly before they're sold due to that.


My friend Bryan sorted the CV boots for me. He noticed one of the tie rod ends wasn't the best looking, so I brought him a brand new pair to install. Those went on fine and then he took the Civic onto the alignment ramp.

Front alignment is perfect now. Even fixed a problem where I wasn't getting enough steering lock on one side. The rear left camber couldn't be adjusted unfortunately... Camber arm was completely seized, even with the locking nuts freed. My guess is the terrible Irish roads... Arm looked new apart from the road grime. I fitted it last year in April, so I contacted Hardrace to see if I can get a replacement sorted.


I have the NCT coming up next week, so Bryan did an inspection. He cleaned up any flaky rust and went over the spots with etch primer and some high temp black. He also spotted my sump was leaking slightly, so I'll get that sorted soon.
Not long after my last update, I went down to the Juicebox BBQ. Always nice to pop down and see some familiar faces.


The day after, I had my NCT... Unfortunately I failed, but only on small things. The 'full beam' light on the clocks wasn't working. Was just missing a bulb and the holder. Got the fixed easily enough. The other thing was handbrake. Not enough braking power on 1 side, so could be the cables and/or brake fluid. I'll have my friend look at them soon.

This only happened today and I'm so annoyed about it.



I put the left front wheel into a ditch I couldn't see. Ended up damaging the front sway bar and part of the subframe. Luckily the Type C is fine. So is the rest of the car, but I'll have to have a proper look when the car is on a lift.

What happened was some b***h of a woman in a Volvo, on the opposite lane, wouldn't let me go by her. We're on this hairpin where I'm on the outside of the curve and she's on the very inside, so her car's front has to swing into my lane. I've already started moving before she even came around, but she didn't care and butted up her front to mine. Mind you, I've a whole queue of cars behind me, coming down a hill, so reversing isn't the best move. She had all the room in the world too.

Because she refused to move, I turned my Civic more to the left, away from her car. BANG! Car falls into a ditch... Whats funny is she reversed away from my beached car and drove off past me, which she could have done from the start... Anyway, I kept the steering wheel where it was, handbrake up. Threw the car into reverse and just launched out of the ditch without hitting the car behind me.

Some tyre smoke and I was out. Pulled over down the road to assess the damage. Took some photos as you can see. Hopefully its only cosmetic. Car still drives straight. No funny noises.
Bad news and its not something I expected to happen. My car got broken into. What saved it was the factory immobiliser and quick release. Unfortunately, the door is beyond fixing. The ignition barrel doesn't exist anymore. My whole steering column is twisted. Steering lock still intact.

The police have come and inspected the car. Nothing can be done, which I knew already. An alarm will need to go on ASAP, after I fix everything. Will upload pictures later. In absolute no mood to touch anything right now.
Vehicle theft is crazy at the minute. The one time I had my dc2 overnight out of my garage someone tried to rob it. Popped the bonnet to look for an alarm but I have the bonnet,boot and doors alarmed. I have a number of kill switches and a brake pedal lock. Car parked under a light in front of the house and could clearly see the alarm light and still tried it. Rang the garda and they couldn't give less of a **** about it.

If you can't get it into a garage get a kill switch in it at the very least
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Vehicle theft is crazy at the minute. The one time I had my dc2 overnight out of my garage someone tried to rob it. Popped the bonnet to look for an alarm but I have the bonnet,boot and doors alarmed. I have a number of kill switches and a brake pedal lock. Car parked under a light in front of the house and could clearly see the alarm light and still tried it. Rang the garda and they couldn't give less of a **** about it.

If you can't get it into a garage get a kill switch in it at the very least
Theres an increase in c*nts, moving in from the s*it parts of Dublin to where I live, thanks to social housing. Plus the infamous Damastown isn’t all too far from me.

They were hoping to take the car for some rallying. Nothing was taken either. Full set of Enkeis in the back, the Momo wheel… All left there, plus the absolute destruction of my door.

I had a killswitch before, but it was dangerously wired next to some fuel. I’ll need to install an alarm, along with a proximity sensor.

Where I live, the trees are so big they block the street lights. The council has been asked by multiple concerned residents, to cut down the trees. Nothing has been done. Once the sun sets, its pitch black here.
The damage...


These photos are of the car as I found it. Didn't touch anything. They couldn't figure out the quick release, so that saved me. My mistake leaving the wheel inside the car. I don't always do it, but this sort of thing never occurred to me.


Inspected the car after the police did their report. Noticed the whole steering column assembly is twisted... Probably from them prying the ignition barrel. Still makes me sick thinking about this whole s*it show.
Damn! Not good terry. Looks like kids where at it. The usual type that steal small Japenese imports around dublin

Must have thought it was Japanese. Idiots. A good alarm and killswitch is needed before any more mods ha
Damn! Not good terry. Looks like kids where at it. The usual type that steal small Japenese imports around dublin

Must have thought it was Japanese. Idiots. A good alarm and killswitch is needed before any more mods ha
I know the type of person. Normally doing stupid stuff in a Toyota Aqua, Honda Stream and any of those types of cars.

UK spec for the win :nice: I have an alarm to go in, but first need to get another door put on.
Hey nothing wrong with the Streams or Jades. I drive a Jade lol.

But yea the aquas or vitz crew I call them . All over Snapchat or that Tiktok rallying around Dublin. Hopefully good karma gets them ;)

Will a Honda ej9 Hatch door fit? I think a friend of mine has a silver door in his garage. I can ask.
Hey nothing wrong with the Streams or Jades. I drive a Jade lol.

But yea the aquas or vitz crew I call them . All over Snapchat or that Tiktok rallying around Dublin. Hopefully good karma gets them ;)

Will a Honda ej9 Hatch door fit? I think a friend of mine has a silver door in his garage. I can ask.
I've seen a few videos of Streams getting rallied. Screen recorded from Snapchat or TikTok. Did you see the one recently on Facebook, where your man put a post up looking for his car. Car ended up crashed in the middle of a junction somewhere.

Karma has already greatly helped me. Been offered spaces to store my car at. Parts free of charge. One guy even offered to paint the whole car.
Now thats some generosity!

Shame this has happened but defo seems you are getting it sorted
Not for free dude :lol: But he offered to do it for less than what he normally charges.
I've had over 30 people, from around the world, offering advice, help, parts, etc. I should let my car get broken into more often haha. Just shows that karma does work.
Dirty scumbags man! Hope its not too much hassle getting it sorted. No doubt youl never get to the bottom of who done it unfortunately
Dirty scumbags man! Hope its not too much hassle getting it sorted. No doubt youl never get to the bottom of who done it unfortunately
Everyone is saying kids. I think so too. If it was getting nicked for monetary gain, they wouldn't have butchered the car that bad.

Chris has offered a space next to his EG8, so I can leave my car at his until things cooldown.
Not much progress has been made since THAT day. I got this replacement door from a friend, who was nice enough to donate it and send it down the country, to save me driving. Thats his Instagram name in the photo, if you want to check out his yellow coupe.

I'm getting the entire car painted soon, so 1 more colour added to the car isn't going to annoy me. The door is actually navy on the inside haha.


I bought an ignition barrel that came with the original key and all the wiring. That helped figure out what the damaged 2-pin connector in my car does. I'll try to salvage what I can from my original barrel, like the shims. Use those to rekey the new barrel, in hopes that I can reuse my original key. That way, I don't have to go messing with the door locks and boot lock.

I also bought a steering column. Its different from the one thats in the Civic currently, but the seller confirmed with me its out of an EK. Checking part numbers and what the parts visually look like, I've come to the conclusion the style of column I have is 100% original. Its different for the JDM cars though. Mine matches prefacelift cars, while the new I got matches facelift cars. I guess the guy sold me a facelift JDM column. Hopefully there isn't a fitment issue, though the dash in my car is actually from a facelift JDM car.

I'm still waiting on parts to arrive in the post. I'm also considering deleting the factory immobiliser, since the alarm I'm putting in has its own. Plus it'll save the cost of reprogramming the ECU/key. I got an add-on proximity sensor. Reinstalling a killswitch as well. If all that isn't enough, I got cameras monitoring my driveway now.
Nice to see you got sorted with a door. A good body guy will sort out the body for you. What color are you going with?.

From having a quick look online I see you can re shim another lock to match your original key but it's a good bit of work. A decent locksmith should be able to do it.

I personally wouldn't remove the factory immobiliser. Its after saving the car so always handy to have. Plus you still have the chip in your key so easy to reprogram. A second immobiliser on the alarm is a good thing to have along with the factory one
Nice to see you got sorted with a door. A good body guy will sort out the body for you. What color are you going with?.

From having a quick look online I see you can re shim another lock to match your original key but it's a good bit of work. A decent locksmith should be able to do it.

I personally wouldn't remove the factory immobiliser. Its after saving the car so always handy to have. Plus you still have the chip in your key so easy to reprogram. A second immobiliser on the alarm is a good thing to have along with the factory one
I said it to you before man. Green.
Less of the Attitude. It was months ago I asked you. I forgot it was a simple question. Should look good when it's done