EK9.org sticker *update* installed pics...

To all the people who sent me a PM, You'll receive a answer soon, when I ship your stickers, thanks to a donation of a user I have now the funds to make and ship around 15 to 20 stickers!

Thank you guys for your support.
I got mine today :clap: , here it is on my ej:



mine on my ek4

thx again for the stickers
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still have any more stickers? :nerv:
i would like 1 white pls

Just donate a couple dollars using the Donate tab on the page, send rvm a pm and he will send you some stickers, you don't HAVE to donate but it sure would be nice...
could yas send me 2 white and 2 black!?!?!? please please!! or any at all tanks lads...... address sent to info
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