CTR build in America

haha! get rid of that steering wheel. Looks crappy. pls dont bastardize the car.
You basically made that car look like you're a ricer with alot of money. This website is primarily about performance so I would expect the majority to say your car is less than ideal. See the pic in the EK9.org banner? All white...mint condition, no stickers, black rims.....beautiful.
why are your stickers all over the place, nice car, but somethings are :angry2:, the steering wheel is one,

you got all those nice parts and you got the crappiest steering wheel
Why would you need that piece of paper infront of the cluster? If you know your 6X table... every 10kmh is roughly 6mph actually I think it's about 6.21 mph soo do 110kmh on the highway, that's about 66mph+/-
Like the idea, but the stickers all over the dam car looks lame to me. Very 90's aka dated "ricer" look. Maybe thats what your going for??? If so GREAT job! :shocked:
you have a real CTR here in america and your trying to make it look like all the EJ6's we already have here. Keep it stock :nice: