B16 ignition timing, any thoughts?


New Member
Feb 17, 2016
hey everyone! I have a jdm ek4 sir and it goes well. I recently checked the ignition timing and found it set to 10 btdc. Obviously they are set to 16+-2 btdc across the range as far as I'm aware. Any ways I set it to 16 btdc and feel it doesn't have the pull it used too. I know I can just put it back but wanted to know your thoughts on the subject. Has anyone else found a good setting? I heard about using a vacuume gauge on the inlet manifold to see which setting gives the highest vacuume reading indicating optimum ignition timing?

Thanks for any input provided and feel free to ask any questions
Yeah little bit helpful, thank you. I'm a technician for Mazda so I understand the point of setting it properly, i bridged the service connector, warm engine, check idle speed with IACV disconnected then done ignition timing. I would of thought being at 10btdc would of made the car slower than 16btdc but seems other way round now I've set it to 16btdc. I'll double check it, maybe check engine timing as cam belts probably due replacement.
No, I got a standard ecu and a spoon ecu.. Timing was checked with the standard ecu which I've had on the car sometime now
From what I can remember, on the crankshaft pulley there is a single line and 3 lines. Now of the top of my head its the 3 lines you line up. Another thing worth checking?
Yes the three marks are 14/16/18 btdc. Or if you have an adjustable timing light then you just set the timing light to the required degrees and time up the tdc mark