Audi RS 5 stripped to its chassis by thieves

I saw that on fb about a week ago, I can't understand how it could be stripped to a shell that bare without somebody seeing something.
^^ thats exactly what i was thinking highly unlikely, but who knows lol
Thts insane! Whoever owned it is a clown and shld hav atleast made th police aware, etc! Its th first thing you would do if you owned a 60k car!!@
how could they strip it to the bare shell that would take days haha ! surely someone would notice haha shocking fraud effort
Travellers/Gypsies could probably do that over night. Plus they would have a use for the metal and would most likely have the tools/equipment to pull that off.
damnn,, :-0 that surely looks dodgy, if it was simply a few body panels being removed it would have been understandable but its looks like someones really had a good dig at it slicing pieces off the chassis off thats not a 5 min thing surely someone would have seen or heard something ... such a beast of a car gone to wastee :-/
These guys are right. Either blatant fraud or a hoax. Look at the picture, no smashed glass no bolts laying about, no scrap pieces of broken plastic, no old rubber hoses nothing that would show this cars been stripped on site.
Thats true, insurance might not pay for flood damage. But they will for theft/ vandalism. As jesse said looks a very neat job for a csr that was left in 2 feet of water
the work it would take to change engine numbers and so on they would have taken the hole car and just chop shoped it and sold it as a hole abroad
I actually work for a company that done a cover on this. Turned out it was insurance fraud. Owner apparently couldn't afford it anymore, decided he wanted rid, floods were occuring but floods aren't covered. Next best thing, say some hoodies stripped his £60,000 car.