98 spec Integra Type R

Got the driver floor into seam sealer aswell. Not really sure what way I'm going to do the interior paint at the moment, might got with the oem primer with paint dusted in but might go full gloss champ white inside


Started stripping one of the rear trailing arms apart to be painted and built back up so some bits have been cleaned up and dumped into the bilt hammer deox bath to get rid of any microrust before painting

All inner parts of the sills were cleaned back to metal and as usual treated with brunnox and left to dry. This along with cavity wax that I will later put in will prevent any rust in the future.

Sills were tacked in place to make sure they were sitting right and any adjustments made before final weld


Welded up and cleaned back down to near smooth,never know there were off



Anti corrosion treatment has been applied and the sill will get a light skim of glaze to completely level them off before they are put into epoxy


Above pic shows the reaction of the brunnox anti corrosion epoxy paint that I put on all cleaned metal to prevent corrosion in the future
Good progress. Beyond my skills. I’m doing it the expensive way. Booked with Motion Motorsport in Feb!
Good progress. Beyond my skills. I’m doing it the expensive way. Booked with Motion Motorsport in Feb!
Sometimes your better off. The tooling and free time required is alot ,I'm lucky in that iv most of the tools already and have the space to strip a car and walk away without it being in other peoples way