
4chan is a website. Not much to figure out. Just read the first post in this thread. It explains a good bit of it. Still the main question was if anybody here went there. If you haven't then don't worry about it.

Just so you all know. 4chan or more specifically it's Random board ( /b/ ) is responsible for a ton of internet memes such as LOLcats, Rick Rolling, etc.

Yeh I already knew about it, and that it's responsible for LOLcats, Rick Rolling, and the more serious Anonymous group and Project Chanology alledgedly.

What I don't get is how to use it lol. Is it seriously that popular?! It seems like such a basic website, pretty easy to navigate, but quite randomly organised and basic. Do users know each other, or is everyone anonymous?! Is it purely a place to post mindless images/gifs/torrents etc? lol.
You have the choice to use a user name or remain anonymous. Most posters choose to remain anonymous. It's image board/discussion board. It's original purpose was the discussion of anime, manga, games, japanese culture, etc. but has ballooned into so much more. You pick a board, either start a discussion/post an image or contribute to an existing thread just like any other forum. It's just a different style of BBS.
WTF is this nonsense? Are ya'll trying to recruit new /b/tards in here? Too bad anyway, as /b is closed because we raided a certain website and it got noticed by the media.
lol, i love the fact theres /b/ tards on here !
ive stopped using it as much now, was really starting to make my head gooooo!

its is a very dark corner of the net tho! whats happened to /b/ then?