Twisted Seatbelts

Is there no way you can have rear seats with any harnesses? thats a bit of a bummer then as to take my seats out i would also have to remove the rollcage! this is beginning to be a right pain in the ass lol

With regards to the belt, check out this picture:

Can you see the black fitting behind the belt? its hitting that, its as horizontal as i can get it!
easiest solution i can see would be to cut that bracket off and re-attach it in a extended "L" shape. so that it doesn't fowl off the seat belt assembly. any half decent fabricator should be able to do that.
But then even if i was to cut the bracket off the rollcage bar would still be in the way and it would then swing into that and not be horizontol as unfortunately the belt fitment doesnt go behind it. I cant really remove the rear seats either as i do occasionally use them... yet i dont really want to remove the rollcage! lol
elchunk - i just had a thought... on this pictures below:

Can you see the fitment point at the bottom? there are a few of them... could i not fit the harness to the rollcage?