The quick way to replace recaro bolsters


New Member
Mar 15, 2010
Hi ive had a quick search on here and other than a full quide i havent seen anyone mention this on

This is off itr-dc2 and all credit to ian185 for it. Im going to be trying this out at the weekend and if anyone else is doing it hope this helps them out.

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You may have to register as link says log in but if so its a sticky in interior section

Hope this helps Lee
The bolster on my drivers side seat was a little worse for wear, just the usual, and it bugged me every time I sat in it! So, bought a replacement bolster from capital seating, read the how to guides and........... put of doing it for about 2 months! Going by the guides it sounded like a pure pig of a job. Then last weekend I decided I was gonna get stuck into it and get it done. I'm not using the car during the winter so there was no rush if it didn't go to plan.

Got the seat out the car and began to size up my oposition.

After taking the rail of the underside I undone the hooks and removed the origional bolster.



Now luckily I had been flicking through the channels during the week and found "a car is reborn". In this episode they were re-doing the interior. This is where I got my top tip! Get the new bolster and wrap it in cling film. This way the material slides on it as oppose to gripping and making it awkward to get in. So I wrapped it with one layer of cling film and slid it into positon. Just had to work the back in with my finger so it went over the metal bar. Then it was just a case of pulling the fabric over and clipping it in place again. All back togetther and jobs a good un!!!!


Thought this might be eaiser i was on my phone earlier so couldnt do this as easily on there
ive got a step by step on the home pc, will dig it out thurs when im home..
TheBooosh...! here did mine. was a quick 20minute job can't remember how he did it but I sent him that link to look at before he came to mine you could pm him and see how he did it
I took your advice on using cling wrap, not sure how much it helped as i didn't thinks it nearly as hard as people make it out to be. I'm a aircraft mech so maybe i'm just used to doing hard jobs. I thought the wire was the easy part btw. Just a fyi, reach in after and remove the cling wrap, i didn't at first and could hear it as i squeezed the bolster. Thanks for the tips....i should have done this months ago!
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