I have a DREAM!

I want to address an issue that I see popping up here and there on forums. This thread will, I'm sure, turn in to a discussion (full of opinion) about what I'm going to say.

I could get hellaciously philosophical but I won't. Suffice it to say that all people have opinions and being that they are of human-kind they are more than entitled to them however stupid or intelligent their opinion may be.

These forums (ALL forums) exist to disseminate accurate information and to share opinion and facts. That said I would really like to see us not follow the path of another, and very popular, web forum for Hondas where everything that is said is criticized and looked down upon.
I'm sure you're all familiar with the difference between constructive and destructive criticism. Let's try to be constructive around here. There are people that have been doing this Honda hobby for YEARS and there are those that have just started and are naive about what is out there and what they really want. When people come in here and create posts with seemingly idiotic questions break it down for them....actually HELP them. If they failed to use the SEARCH FUNCTION point that out but continue showing them "the light".

We can separate ourselves from the other boards by being helpful within reason. There is always going to be "trolls" and there is always going to be that guy with the ricer stuff on his car. We can still put out information in a factual way that benefits our apparently world-wide Honda community.

This has been troubling me for quite a bit so I hope you take this with some seriousness. Your opinion, however stupid or awesome, will still be taken into consideration.:D


Reads better and gets the message accross better like this.

I agree with your post.