EK9 Washer Jets for the bonnet


New Member
Jan 9, 2008
Ok.....so im an idiot :D :D

i took these off at the start of the week when i was adjusting the bonnet, and i didnt screw one of them back on properly from the underside of the bonnet, and on the motorway it went flying up the windscreen LOL!!

i only need the one, i dont need the hoses, or the bolts, just the white spray nozzle that appears on the bonnet.

does anyone have one that they would happily donate to me :D

its doing my head in when i spray and one works and the other dribbles out the empty hole!!
no there not white? they dont come in white do they? well iv never seen them in white?
mine were white bud, but hey, i can always use a white spray can, its not like they are such a big area to get fussy about the paint shades etc