ek9 gauge/blinker issues


New Member
Jan 3, 2009
I'm new and i'm thinking about buying a ek9. I test drove the one i want today but found out when i turn the blinker on the hot/cold gauge goes to hot, and when i'm not using the blinker it goes back to normal. Hah, it's sorta hard to explain. I searched google/forums and didn't find exactly what i'm looking for. It's probably because I, for lack of better words, don't know the technical terms and whatnots.

If this has been posted before, sorryyy!

Yes, i'm a new new member, just wanted to get this question answered so i could go out and buy the hatch then head off to the new members board with pics.

wow, i have heard of a lot of strange things but nothing like that, im curious to hear the answer my self
Sounds like a wiring issue, but a very strange one at that. maybe be better trying to find one that hasnt been messed with. wiring wise.
Yeah, but the price is a steal! I'm aware that the owner did all the wiring himself, erm w/ a book on hand. I searched around some electrical websites and it basically explains abou two of the wrong wires touching and creating a positive charge not a positive and a negative and it's nothing bad. Ugh, i'll have to get ahold of a book and fix it myself.

Hard to believe this hasnt happened to anyone though, lol
similar happened me with an ek4 temp guage used to rise whan i put on the lights.no idea why,perhaps a shorted wire