Colour choices for OEM wheels

Apr 25, 2009
Hey guys,

As part of the 'spring cleaning' process I was planning on refurbishing my OEM EK9 wheels. I was going to do them white but thought I'd see if anyone has any other suggestions (preferably with pictures)? Considering anthracite now too.


CW for the EK9 alloys. The DC2 alloys in anthracite look well on the EK9 though.. I just don't rate the EK9 alloys in anything but CW
c/w does look well but i have mine black to be different and was thinking since of putting a red lip round it to give it change, i've seen it on some cars and it does look well.
when ive seen oem wheels painted black with a red lip it looks a bit tacky, but thats my point of view

no offence to be caused :)
none taken, sure it would be no good if we all had the same taste
I have mine painted phoenix yellow. Was great for about 2 months and I'm now bored of them and really miss the c/w colour. I'll stick a photo on tomorrow


It has since had the window stickers removed though :)