

Drop a gear & disappear!
Jul 22, 2009
ive wanted to get into airbrushing for a while and dont know of anyone who does it where i live.. i know it takes alot of time and practice but im up for the challenge!

can anyone shed some light on whats the best kit to buy? what brand of paints are best etc...

thers a kit on ebay for £80 but is it worth spending abit more somewhere else?

any tricks and tips for airbrushing would be great

well im sure you know that you would want to have it hooked to a compressor weather it be a small one designed for airbrushing or a large one for auto sanding, as par as paints just experiment with different companies. i dont mean buy a pack to try but if u can get 1 bottle or jar from a few companies it will give you a good idea of who to choose from. and just practice alot alot and watch any kind of tv show that does custom work like that and pay attention to there techniq and try to apply it or mold there tech to match your own. thats how i learned for spraying cars, just watched alot of street customs n stuff like that and practiced a mush of ways together and came up with my own tech's. it has similiar tech's to sprayin a car but fined detail. hope this helps at least a little bit.
yeah some usefull info cheers, so it doesnt matter what compressor you have? just need the correct regulator im guessing?

Everything Airbrush

good website i just found