Recent content by Twinjdm

  1. T

    After advice for a rear disc conversion on my ej9

    Thanks for the thread on drum brakes great help cheers guys
  2. T

    After advice for a rear disc conversion on my ej9

    I'm not to sure to be honest I'm only changing rear from drum to discs because I've broken my rear trailing arms on my ej9 and was offerd some of an eg5 but they're disc and not drum I've heard of this being done was just wondering if it's just plug and play I think they would b the same size as...
  3. T

    After Advise on my trailing arms

    Thanks guys
  4. T

    After advice for a rear disc conversion on my ej9

    Does any one know if it's just a case of plug and play ie. with the break hoses and bushes ? Thanks
  5. T

    After Advise on my trailing arms

    After advise if that's ok just wondering if eg rear trailing will fit on my ej Thanks
  6. T

    After advice for a rear disc conversion on my ej9

    Hi I've broke my rear trailing arm on my ej9 and have been offerd a set of trailing arms of an eg with a disc conversion I've bin told buy 2 other people that you just need 2 change the hand break cable but don't know witch cable I need I was just wondering if anyone's tried this conversion I am...
  7. T

    Rear disc conversion on a ej9

    Sorry mate I'm after the trailing arms more and I was offerd a rear set of eg for cheap so just after a little advise cheers tho pal
  8. T

    Rear disc conversion on a ej9

    Hi I'm after some advice has anyone tryed putting eg rear trailer arms onto a ej9 civic I've heard u can but need a different hand break cable has any 1 tryed this? Is it a direct fit? plug and play kinda job. Thanks
  9. T

    Ultimate OEM Brake Upgrade Thread

    {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252 {\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Verdana;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;\red0\green0\blue0;\red255\green255\blue255;} \deftab720 \pard\pardeftab720\qc\partightenfactor0 \f0\fs26 \cf2 \cb3 \expnd0\expndtw0\kerning0 \outl0\strokewidth0 \strokec2 \uc0\u8234 Hi I...
  10. T

    Hi I was thinking of doing a rear disc conversion on my ej9 and have been offers rear trailing...

    Hi I was thinking of doing a rear disc conversion on my ej9 and have been offers rear trailing arms and disc and calliper conversion from an eg and the bloke said it's a easy swap but I have a freind that said they may not fit any body ever done this or know weather it wrks thanks
  11. T

    Alloy wheel nuts

    Na I snapped the alloy nut and Dodd even fill like it was locking on just kept spinning then click and it snapped
  12. T

    Alloy wheel nuts

    Hi every 1 I'm new 2 the forum I've recently changed sum coilovers and whilst I was tightning alloy wheel nut it snapped any ideas on how I could get the wheel but of and has any 1 had this happen thanks
  13. T

    Nice car mate

    Nice car mate
  14. T

    Hi my names James I own a honda civic ej9 I'm new 2 the forum how is every 1

    Hi my names James I own a honda civic ej9 I'm new 2 the forum how is every 1