Recent content by eK9D0LLY

  1. eK9D0LLY

    Hey, you know of anywhere i could get a hook up in rewiring my car? It keeps blowing fuses and...

    Hey, you know of anywhere i could get a hook up in rewiring my car? It keeps blowing fuses and whatnots. Thanks
  2. eK9D0LLY

    Hello! :]

    Yeah, pretty much. :] But the car is mine, he already owns a RSX, hehe.
  3. eK9D0LLY

    Hello! :]

    I'll probably get one up soon enough, we've already knocked out 2-3 of the many problems it has. I'm from dallas! Well whatever me and my boyfriend can afford/get access to for it, we will go for. I'm doing body work to it because thats what the last owner basically left me with. Door panels...
  4. eK9D0LLY

    Hello! :]

    Free roam as in I can choose whichever brand but with those specifications, 10w40. Sorry! :p
  5. eK9D0LLY

    Hello! :]

    Hehe thanks all! I saw it and said, "It just needs a little love!" It's somewhat true, little love and a lot of money! :]
  6. eK9D0LLY

    Hello! :]

    Hmm. I'm getting told it's 2 different things, now it's a throttle body injection. I have a picture maybe it'll help, lol.
  7. eK9D0LLY

    Hello! :]

    Would that still work for a single cam carborator motor and which brand would you suggest - unless its free roam?
  8. eK9D0LLY

    Hello! :]

    Heyy, i'm whitney :] I just bought my project car, and well my first manual car. There's A LOT of work to do with this car so excuse the excessive mess, lol. Also sorry about the lighting with the car it was very bright. I also bought some replica cf spoon side mirrors, they're cheap and...
  9. eK9D0LLY

    ek9 gauge/blinker issues

    Yeah, but the price is a steal! I'm aware that the owner did all the wiring himself, erm w/ a book on hand. I searched around some electrical websites and it basically explains abou two of the wrong wires touching and creating a positive charge not a positive and a negative and it's nothing bad...
  10. eK9D0LLY

    ek9 gauge/blinker issues

    Hello, I'm new and i'm thinking about buying a ek9. I test drove the one i want today but found out when i turn the blinker on the hot/cold gauge goes to hot, and when i'm not using the blinker it goes back to normal. Hah, it's sorta hard to explain. I searched google/forums and didn't find...