Recent content by Crispyboy

  1. Crispyboy

    Ek4 knockhill thrash

    In car footage ek4 cvic vti on track. YouTube - EK4 civic
  2. Crispyboy

    Ek4 knockhill thrash

    YouTube - ek4 civic trackside YouTube - ek4 honda
  3. Crispyboy

    Ek4 knockhill thrash

    It's a proper laugh. I wouldn't advise going up at a hot hatch event though,i've done a few of them and its pretty scary. A few numptys on track can ruin your day. Hot marques or Dreadnought nights are the way to go as theres much less chance of danger.There's also some serious metal on track...
  4. Crispyboy

    Ek4 knockhill thrash

    Cheers mate! I'm trying to download a few more at the mo,will get them posted asap.
  5. Crispyboy

    Ek4 knockhill thrash

    Anyone thinking of buying an ek4 but unsure of the fun potential.Watch and see!!! YouTube - Ek4 civic tarckside footage YouTube - ek4 civic trackside YouTube - ek4 civic trackside
  6. Crispyboy

    Hey all.

    Alright Honda-God. You'll find pics on my profile. Cheers.
  7. Crispyboy

    Hey all.

    Cheers for the link gav! Looks like a quality meet.
  8. Crispyboy

    Hey all.

    Alrighty.Can't find any pics.HELP PLEASE!!
  9. Crispyboy

    Hey all.

    Was it at Falkirk? I think it's the last thursday of every month they have a cruise. Last time i was there it was mobbed.
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  11. Crispyboy

    Hey all.

    Cheers BGM13! Good to finally find a quality ek owners site!!
  12. Crispyboy

    Hey all.

    I stay 16 miles north of Stirling.A wee place called Callander.
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