So iam going to take the plunge and Propose this sunday.

I done it on Christmas Day (a year ago) :D

I know that doesnt help much
but i know what you are feeling !!!! :shocked:

Just keep brave and get it done
I cant wait to get married and offically call her my wife (i do all ready:p )

We had been together a simalar amount of time
A little bit less
If you can put up with the same women that long then i would say your sorted for life !!
Good luck to you mate
let us know the outcome, all though i all ready know she will say yes ! what women wouldnt with a ring like that !! :shocked::shocked:

thanks for all the good advice..after putting up with her for that long sometimes i can finish what she is scares me
best of luck with it mate :)id marry you if you took me to a restaurant with a view like that seen as i am from ireland and would love to see nyc!!!lookin forward to the pics and hopefully sayin congratulations :)
I am actually on tender hooks for you mate !!! (maybe i can feel the nerves from here !)
Everything will be bra !!

Get the pics up with a big story of how it went
Look forward to the post !!
well it all went down GREAT..she was soo suprised she started we went to the chart house..ordered dinner,everything was going great.i left to go to the bathroom(but really i went to get the ring and camera in my car)..on the way back i stopped and ask the host to bring out a plate with "will u marry me on it" they did a great job..made hearts on it and filled it in with raspberry syrup..after dinner they came to the table with it and i got on 1 knee and gave her the ring..she said "YES"..i was soo nervous i started puttin it on her right she was like wrong hand she gave me the left hand..i started puttin it on the middle finger..lmfao...but all said and done..iam happy and ENGAGED :) thanks for all the support and help
Congrats man !!!!

I had to gogle it first just to make sure what finger

May you both live a long and happy life together !!
Congrats mate, well happy for you!:clap:

I know how you was feeling mate, i was the same when i popped the question! lol





thanks every1...
so thats how it happend..

the plate,droppin to my knee,she said yes,the kiss,the pic of the ring on her hand,dessert and dessert going bye