S2000 steering wheel on ej9

Someone done it for you? Or you forgot process?
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Finally spend some time on my Civic and spend it properly - changed steering wheel.

Little overview how ive done it:

Disconnect car battery and wait 5-10 min. before start work to let system discharge.(I left it for 40 min)

take off cover from bottom of the steering wheel and unplug yellow airbag connector.

Now you have to screw out two screws(they are under the plastic cover) on each side of the wheel to release airbag. Use T30 torx.

Take off airbag carefully and unplug horn connector.
Than you will see 14mm central nut which hold your wheel. Take it off!
Call someone for help if you need - nut sits tight.(make sure you do the same when put S2k wheel back)

Now in reverse order you can install new wheel. Plug back horn and airbag connectors.

Now you need to reset your SRS system.

Near the fuse box you have to find yellow 2pin connector.
This is it

It came off from that hole.

now you can use two paper clips for contact with each other.

Hold clips together and turn on ignition. SRS light will come on and will go off within few seconds. When it will go off quickly disconnect paper clips.

In 4-6 seconds SRS light will come on again - put paper clips together again. And light again will go off - and you again disconnect paper clips. Than after 4 seconds it will blink twice.
Now you can turn off ignition. Take off paper clips and put connector back on it place.
You just reset your SRS system.

Final result:

(have to cover cruise control gap - will do it later)
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