EK3 from PT


As JDM as it gets
Apr 9, 2010
Civic Type-R (EK9), Accord Tourer Type-S
Hi there... Here goes a few pics about my EK3...

Back one year ago it looked totally original... just like this:

(more pics to come)

After an engine rebuild (yes, I've rebuilted an D15Z6... changing engine in Portugal is not that simple unfortunately) and an accident (dumb brakes...) it looks like this...

It still has a lot to be done in it, and in the future the mods are...

Rear brake discs
Rear "clean" bumper (without those little plastics)
EK9 front gril
EK9 simbols (front and back)
Coilovers (yeah... if wife let me put some.. hehe)
Fog lights (some that I've found that are gourgeous)

hmmmm and that's it I suppose... :)

Ah... according to engine mods... (hehe) here goes the only one that I've made...
Porto Cidade linda também sou português ...

City beautiful too. i am Portuguese ...
that cold air feed is an epic fail. But the car seems tidy otherwise. :)
Car looks clean dude!

Thats a wierd/funny cold air feed pipe tho ;)
Your EK3 are clean!The front bumper of the coupe looks great.

Essa cold air intake é que poderia estar melhor, eu percebi a ideia, que foi não querer furar o parachoques, mas assim tens muitas curvas acentuadas, o que te vai prejudicar imenso.

Good luck man!

(Já agora, eu tenho o conjunto completo de travagem do meu EK4 para venda, se diveres interesse já sabes)
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Hey everyone! Thanks for all the messages.

Meanwhile story changed, I've moved from Portugal to Switzerland, the EK3 went for destruction (unfortunately) due to car exchange for a more "family" indicated vehicle and I couldn't afford two cars :(

BUT.... Life's always changing and now I'm going for an EK9 (hopefully a black one) to keep and love, for the rest of my life. :)

I'll create a new thread on that one once I have it.

Regarding the cold air intake, it worked like a charm! Unfortunately, everything went away... It really caused me a lot of pain to destroy the car... :(

But well... Sometimes we have to give a step back to give two steps forward, right?

