2012 nsx

This has been posted before. I do like it but the wheels look out of place. when i saw it from a video game trailer for this car it looked like a audi r8 from the site
Is looking like an r8 is a bad thing ? I think not, it looks great I think glad Honda are keeping a supercar in there midst even if it is a hybrid :)
yeah it does look to much like an r8 and hybrid wtf!!!

i was hoping honda was gonna release the hsv as the nsx replacement as that thing was bad ass
Are there any informations over the engine specs? I hope, that they will have an big petrol engine with strong electrical engines to support.
Not like in the CRZ, what is called a sportscar by Honda with just 125hp :s
It's lost most the qualities the original had, Honda seem to be heading in the wrong direction the last few years!
Dont like it, doesnt seem to resemble anything of the old nsx. I wish they would just go back to the old school shapes with some slight modernising :)
I hate it really, wheels are the first thing I saw and weren't a pretty sight. I wouldn't take it especially since it's hybrid and doesn't look very much like the NSX that's prior to this, big thumbs down for me but it does have a few positives.
Don't like it. I thought the previous incarnation (which is now the Honda Super GT car) was a much nicer looking car
I'm in two minds, i like it because if i was to drive a hybrid i would rather this than a prius lol. But at the same time i can't believe it came from the same company that made the original one and ek9, dc2 etc etc. I guess there just keeping up with what everyone else is doing/wanting to see these days