Michael Flare
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  • Hello, i have seen a couple of your videos, and some of your posts, and i noticed your custom work shirt. If you dont mind, how did you get it? Did you buy the shirt and then send it to an embroider and have them put the logo on? Im very interested in doing this, but having team-integra on the back, so any help will be greatly appreciated.
    Michael Flare
    Michael Flare
    I think I messaged you privately answering your question. Did you get it?
    I admire the hard work that you have put forth into your Civic Type R replica. You have made so much progress throughout the years and I got to witness these changes myself. What dedication!!
    Hey man I was casually flicking through youtube and look what I found no doubt in my mind thats you! YouTube - ‪NOPI [Atlanta 2010]‬‏ nice build btw should have been in the car show!
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